In April, 2017, we held our first Assembly of Extraordinary Bakers – eight world-class bakers from around the world came to Chicago for a weekend of dynamic demos. We saw over 30 different products, had a big party at La Fournette, and spent an afternoon working with the kids from After School Matters.
In February, 2018, the founders will do demos at WheatStalk, the bi-annual educational conference of the Bread Bakers Guild of America. They will be showing new ideas inspired by products presented at the 2017 Assembly of Extraordinary Bakers .
In March, 2018, representatives of the IBF will appear at Egast 2018 in Strasbourg, France. They will present a wild show of fermentation with La Ligue des Fromagers Extraordinaires and a local brewer, some ragtime piano, and extremely long breads filled with fondue. The group will also meet with the Alsatian baking apprentices to talk a bit about our profession.